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Yes you found my little niche on the web. In the frame to the left you can see
what is keeping me busy nowadays. As you can see, quite obviously I like
flightsims. More people like them but I try to add my two pennies in the form
of some add-on freeware. This will mainly consist of nautical orientated
objects. The reason for this will become obvious in a minute.

FreeBSD, yes I also sold my soul to this devil of an OS. About Microsoft I
do not talk. (Okay, even after all these years they still sell crap)
I tried Linux but it soon came apparent that (in 1995) although the basics
were good, there were to many people messing code up. FreeBSD has some
authorities looking at what people add to the source. If it is good it will be
added, otherwise a recommendation to polish the code will be given.
The result is a highly organised version of unix, with an open achitecture.

Marklin Digital. I really like those small engines, carriages, lorries.
Especially when I can combine a couple of hobbies in to one. I use a computer
to solve the more hard problems of preventing collisions of the layout. Also I
try to build a couple of electronic circuits to 'solve' problems on the layout.
I don't have the space to setup a reasonable layout, but my father, he likes
those small trains as well, convinced my mother to use the basement.
So there they are, almost 150 engines on 23 square meter ....

Oke to pay for all these nice hobbies, I need somebody to give me some money
now and then. I found a nice job with lots of adventure, fresh air, sun, snow
employer payed hotels, flights and cruises.
Yes all the above is true, my ocupation is Survey Engineer. I work for a Dutch
survey company called Fugro Survey BV (FSBV for short). After working five
years for the Dutch Navy as an Officer, I quit, learned a real job. The last
three years I have seen more of the world as compared to the five years in the
Navy. Check the pictures behind the FSBV link